Leadership has a purpose. I don’t hear much about this today. Do you?
The redemption of all men and women and boys and girls is for one central purpose: to fill the earth again with the glory of God through the restored attributes of God within each and every person. The central purpose of the church, the family, education, and, particularly leadership is to take mankind back to its first and original condition – the “good creation.”
Convinced of the importance of this task, pastors must focus their preaching, teaching, and shepherding toward enabling every member of their congregations to reclaim and cultivate the long-lost attributes of God.
Parents must reorder their priorities toward the cultivation of the created attributes in their children.
Teachers must recapture a high, traditional, biblical view of their students and radically alter their pedagogical approaches to training and developing children.
Employers must change their low, mechanistic views of the worker enabling their employees to recapture a high and holy view of work and personhood.
As this occurs, everyone will delight in God’s image and become His garden of delight – people will delight in God – God will delight in His image bearers – and the earth will be filled with God’s glory. It will fulfill Comenius’ dream who prayed:
Do thou, everlasting wisdom, who dost play in this world and whose delight is in the sons of men, ensure that we in turn may now find delight in thee. Discover more fully unto us ways and means to better understanding of thy play and to more eager pursuance of it with one another until we ourselves finally play in thy company more effectively to give increasing pleasure unto thee, who art our everlasting delight! Amen!
More later ….
Now go out and lead – in His image.
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